Contact Lenses

Here to Help Find the Perfect Contact Lenses for You

Contact lenses can be a life changer for your vision! Let Baker Eye Institute help find the perfect contact lenses for you.
What Are They For?
Contact lenses are thin, clear plastic discs that float on the film that covers your cornea. Contact lenses correct vision problems caused by refractive errors, which occur when the eye does not bend or focus light properly, which will result in blurred vision. Contact lenses may be for you if you experience:
Myopia, or nearsightedness
Hyperopia, or farsightedness
Astigmatism, or distorted vision
Presbyopia, or changes to near vision that normally occur with age.
Hard Contact Lenses
Hard contact lenses, or rigid gas-permeable lenses, hold their shape firmly and allow oxygen to flow through the lens to your eye. Hard contact lenses provide sharper vision than soft lenses. These lenses are helpful for people who experience:
Patients with unevenly curved corneas
Allergies, or those who experience protein deposits on their contacts
Soft Contact Lenses
Soft contact lenses are the most popular type of contact lens. They tend to be the most comfortable and come in a variety of options. Soft contact lenses come in Daily Wear, Extended Wear, and Toric. These types of contacts are helpful for people who experience:
A less frequent need for contacts, and would benefit from disposable contacts.
Less severe cases of Astigmatism.
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