Retina Disorders

Expert Care and Treatment for Those With Retinal Disorders

Retinal disorders are defined as conditions that affect the retina, which is the part of your eye that sends visual information to your brain. Retinal diseases include macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, and more. Your vision and eye care is important to us!
How Do You Treat Them?
There are a variety of treatments available for the various types of Retinal Disorders, and each treatment is specific to each type. These treatments include:
Laser Therapy
Retinal Prosthesis
Stem Cell Therapy
Understand Your Treatment Options
If you are experiencing eyesight complications as a result of a retinal disease, it’s important to know that there are treatment options for you. To best understand which option would be best for your unique situation, book an appointment with Dr. Baker.
Never Wait For Quality Eye Care