Crossed Eyes

Strabismus Care and Alignment

Strabismus, or crossed eyes, is a condition that occurs when your eyes are not lined up properly, and tend to point in different directions. This can happen as a result of diabetes, thyroid eye disease, accidents, or damage to your eye’s muscles.
How Do You Treat It?
There are a variety of treatments available for Strabismus. Depending on your specific cause for Strabismus, certain treatments may be more effective than others. These treatments include:
Eye muscle exercises
Retinal Prosthesis
Prism eyeglasses
Botulinum Toxin, or Botox
It Is Never Too Late to Treat Strabismus
If you are experiencing eyesight complications as a result of crossed eyes, it’s important to know that there are treatment options for you. To understand which option would be best for your unique situation, book an appointment with Dr. Baker.
Never Wait For Quality Eye Care